For those of you new to the NO FEAR Challenger portal welcome!
This month is all about self-sabotage. Something I'm very familiar with and did to myself my whole entire life. When new opportunities would arise (things that mattered). I would let fear stop me and ran away in the opposite direction. No matter how many accolades achieved or claps received. I would disregard any positive feedback that came my way.
When I look back in retrospect, I'm amazed at how fear literally controls my entire life.
One of the ways I overcame self-sabotage was I stepped into the self-development arena and took full responsibility for my happiness. I got clear and started to rebuild my life.
Becoming mindful and taking full responsibility is key. In order to navigate the daily stresses in life, one must take the time to self-reflect and truly get clear about what it is that they want. I’ve always been a solution-oriented type of person and like to push through negativity to get new answers from life. My glass is always half full and I'm always ready to plant new seeds for new ideas and thoughts.
According to LIFE DEV: CLICK HERE What can you do to replace negative thoughts with positive ones?
Try to be more conscious of your own internal monologue. Maybe you will come to realize just how much of your time and energy you spend on self-loathing and self-criticism. The best thing that you can do is to look for the positive in any situation.
The car broke down?
Great! That way you can bike to work and get some exercise.
You’re sick this weekend?
That’s OK. You can stay at home and focus on your hobbies. You get the picture. It will be difficult to do so. At first, it might seem like total nonsense to be overly optimistic about a situation. Nevertheless, you won’t change if you’re doing the same things over and over again without focusing on results.
Learn to love…yourself
Dr. Kristin Neff is a strong advocate of “self-love,” describing it as a healthier way to relate to yourself. That is indeed true. Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones is useful for your overall well-being. However, denying who you are deep down can lead to buried feelings and unresolved issues.
In honour of mental health...
Let's get clear by diving deeper within ourselves.
What are some of the ways you sabotage your life? Are you able to recognize them?
If so, write them down and think about any new innovative ways to overcome some of your negative habits or thoughts?
Happy May to all of you, Stay Safe and Be Well!
Michael Challenger.
Instagram: michael.challenger
Twitter: challengerm
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