11 Tips on Keeping it Real

Uncategorized Jan 01, 2025

 Are you ready to let go of negativity, or will you keep repeating the same cycle of complaints and frustration? The truth is, life isn’t going to get easier unless you decide to make a change. Whether it’s fear of judgment or doubting that your voice matters, it’s time to shift your mindset and take control. The first step? Keeping it real with yourself.

Here’s the good news: change doesn’t have to be complicated. By focusing on small, intentional shifts, you can start building the life you deserve. Let’s dive into my 11 Tips for Keeping It Real—designed to help you break free and move forward with confidence.

  1. Embrace imperfection. Nobody is perfect, and striving for perfection will only hold you back. Progress always trumps perfection.

  2. Value your own opinion. While feedback can be helpful, no one’s perspective should outweigh your own. Trust in your voice.

  3. Validate yourself. Love, approve, and accept yourself without...

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Uncategorized Dec 01, 2024

When I say, don’t run toward the obvious, I mean that your life doesn’t need to follow the path most traveled. While conventional choices may suit some, embracing the unconventional can lead to extraordinary results. The beauty of life is that you get to decide how to live it. But standing still—paralyzed by fear or indecision—is no way to live. When we stay stuck, we not only deceive those around us but, more importantly, we fool ourselves.

For those who feel misunderstood, let me offer this: stop explaining yourself to people who cannot see your vision. Defending your dreams to those who can’t grasp them is a waste of energy. It’s not their fault—they’re simply not equipped to understand your truth. Often, their doubts stem from projecting their own fears and insecurities onto you, urging you to choose the “safe” or “right” option as they see it.

Here’s the key: instead of trying to convince others, let...

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Uncategorized Nov 01, 2024


The most extraordinary gift you possess is your uniqueness—there is no one else in this world like you. Your thoughts, your dreams, your talents, and your vision are uniquely yours, and they are desperately needed. The world is waiting for what only you can bring to the table.

Never underestimate the immense power you hold to create a ripple effect of change. Whether your ideas feel monumental or humble, they hold the potential to inspire transformation and leave a lasting legacy. Remember, even the smallest seeds can grow into mighty forests. Your vision, no matter the size, has the power to impact lives, communities, and even the world.

But here’s the truth: no one else can nurture your dreams. They are yours to hold, protect, and grow. The vision you have was planted within you for a reason—it’s a call to action, a responsibility to create the extraordinary. It’s not enough to dream; you must act. Success comes to those...

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Self Love - There's nothing Cheesy about this

Uncategorized Jun 09, 2021

I never thought in 1 million years that I would be the person to talk about this stuff - if you would have asked me to open up and be vulnerable in the past, I would have told you “nice try go ask someone else” My whole entire life, I’ve always focused on my career and took care of others around me.

After experiencing a pandemic (still in it) and truly learning about my version of happiness, I now feel even more grateful to be alive and stronger than ever before. Self care and self love is truly underrated and we all need to take our lives seriously and treat ourself with complete utmost respect. I want to encourage all of you to learn how to love yourself, forgive yourself, celebrate yourself, believe in yourself. By degrading ourselves and putting ourself last in life helps no one. 

Remember it’s up to you to be happy. Believe in your uniqueness and celebrate this incredible thing called life. We won’t be here forever folks so enjoy the little...

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Welcome to Don't Let Fear Paralyze You

Uncategorized Jun 01, 2021

Hello everyone and welcome!

I'm beyond excited to start this journey with you. A powerful journey that I can't wait to share. After becoming a certified life coach, I thought to myself, how can create a lifelong significant impact for my clients a necessary change to help free the minds of marginalized voices, people stuck in comfort, people who are brilliant and don't know how to use their brilliance in the world. A change that goes beyond the paralyzation of being our best self.


Your Friend & Life Coach 

Michael Challenger 


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Practicing Patience During a Pandemic

Uncategorized May 12, 2021

After many, many months of social distancing and isolation due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the reopening of society is a hopeful and optimistic prospect. But for some, it may also be a bit overwhelming. Adjusting to a new normal during the peak of the pandemic meant creating a structure to maintain your wellbeing, where you formed new habits around how you spend your time. 

Now as our energy shifts outward and we begin to interact with the outside world more frequently, it’s important to practice patience. 


Patience with Yourself

Creating a routine that revolves around social distancing caused you to have to adapt to spending significant amounts of time alone or with a very small group of people. Your personal routines have likely been altered in a way that allows you to stay safe and healthy. 

As society begins to slowly reopen we will find ourselves with new opportunities to interact with others and re-establish our old routines. However, it’s...

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Uncategorized May 09, 2021

For those of you new to the NO FEAR Challenger portal welcome!

This month is all about self-sabotage. Something I'm very familiar with and did to myself my whole entire life.  When new opportunities would arise (things that mattered). I would let fear stop me and ran away in the opposite direction. No matter how many accolades achieved or claps received. I would disregard any positive feedback that came my way. 

When I look back in retrospect, I'm amazed at how fear literally controls my entire life. 

One of the ways I overcame self-sabotage was I stepped into the self-development arena and took full responsibility for my happiness. I got clear and started to rebuild my life. 

Becoming mindful and taking full responsibility is key. In order to navigate the daily stresses in life, one must take the time to self-reflect and truly get clear about what it is that they want. I’ve always been a solution-oriented type of person and like to...

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